Love classic style

Love Classic Style

The Japan Hickory Golfers Club (JHGC) is an association of hickory golf enthusiasts. We hold regular events and raise awareness of hickory golf.

Are you interested in hickory golf?

“I don’t have the equipment and I don’t know how to play.”
“I’m not that good at regular golf, but I can’t play hickory golf.”
“Can you really hit with a club like that?”
“I wear Nikka Pokka sometimes, but when it comes to hickory club…”

The Japan Hickory Golfers Club (JHGC) is an association of hickory golf enthusiasts. We hold regular events and raise awareness of hickory golf.

Are you interested in hickory golf?

“I don’t have the equipment and I don’t know how to play.”
“I’m not that good at regular golf, but I can’t play hickory golf.”
“Can you really hit with a club like that?”
“I wear Nikka Pokka sometimes, but when it comes to hickory club…”

“Come to Japan Hickory Golfers Club Monthly Meeting”


Many of the JHGC members have experienced hickory golf with just a little interest and a little chance, and they are all people who have become captivated by the world view.

First, try hitting the ball with a rental club. You will be surprised that it will fly as well as a modern club unexpectedly. First of all, please feel that the circle of golf will expand through the analog experience rather than the score.

Many of the JHGC members have experienced hickory golf with just a little interest and a little chance, and they are all people who have become captivated by the world view.

First, try hitting the ball with a rental club. You will be surprised that it will fly as well as a modern club unexpectedly. First of all, please feel that the circle of golf will expand through the analog experience rather than the score.

What is hickory?

Play Hickory in various locations.

“We also participate in world competitions!”

monthly event

East Branch


It is held at golf courses in the Kanto region, such as Hirakawa Country Club and Caledonian Golf Club.

West Branch


It is held at Taiheiyo Club Rokko Course, Naruo Golf Club, Sengari Country Club, Tarumi Golf Club, etc.

In the future, we aim to expand the range of activities according to the member’s residence!

Domestic and international major tournaments

Around the world

Hosting monthly meetings and other domestic major tournaments

“The Japan Hickory Masters Championship 2023”

Participation in AsiaPac and Australian Open

2023 AsiaPac will be held in Melbourne

Participation in the world competition in Scotland, the birthplace

2023 will be held in October


JHGC will support you in participating in monthly meetings and various competitions, purchasing clubs, etc. If you are interested, please contact us using the form.